Diverticulosis is characterized by the formation of pockets in the lining of the large intestine. 

Diverticulitis is the acute stage of diverticulosis when the pockets are infected and inflamed. 

With the presence of Diverticulosis, it is best to follow a high fiber diet. This keeps pressure on the wall of the large intestine and prevents the accumulation of excess bacteria. Increase fiber gradually in your diet, as a sudden increase may cause increased formation of gas. If Diverticulitis does occur, it is best to switch to a low fiber diet during the acute infection period. After the infection is gone, gradually switch back to a high fiber diet.


Food GroupAmount to Consume DailyHigh Fiber Foods
Fresh Fruit2 or more servingsApples (with skin), oranges, grapefruits, bananas, peaches, pears, plums, cherries, apricots and grapes
Breads and Cereal4 or more servingsWhole grain bread (100% whole wheat, bran, or pumpernickel), dry or cooked cereals (made from whole wheat, bran, oats, unprocessed wheat bran or oat bran), whole grain crackers, bran muffins, brown rice
Vegetables2 or more servingsBroccoli, brussels sprouts, peas, cabbage, carrots, celery, green beans, potatoes, zucchini, tomatoes (without seeds), onions and baked beans Avoid Popcorn!
Food GroupAmount to Consume DailyLow Fiber Foods
Fresh Fruit2 or more servingsFruit juice, fruit drinks pureed fruit, cooked fruit (without skin)
Breads and Cereal4 or more servingsWhite bread, french bread, farina, cream of wheat or rice, melba toast, saltines, corn flakes, rice krispies, puffed rice, white rice and pasta
Vegetables2 or more servingsVegetable juice, lettuce, winter squash, tomato sauce, mashed or cooked vegetables or potato


Food GroupAmount to Consume DailyLow Fiber Foods
Fresh Fruit2 or more servingsFruit juice, fruit drinks pureed fruit, cooked fruit (without skin)
Breads and Cereal4 or more servingsWhite bread, french bread, farina, cream of wheat or rice, melba toast, saltines, corn flakes, rice krispies, puffed rice, white rice and pasta
Vegetables2 or more servingsVegetable juice, lettuce, winter squash, tomato sauce, mashed or cooked vegetables or potato
MiscellaneousAll dairy products, meat, poultry, fish, eggs, broth, cream soup